Supreme Editor Usage/FAQ (collected by Oleg M) Supreme Editor is started with E key after using AJA cheat in any menu. General usage Activate Editor [E] Advance one level in menu [Enter] Back one level in menu [Esc] Move Camera around cursor [Ctrl] + Mouse Move Camera closer and nearer to cursor [Right mouse button] + Mouse forward and backward Move cursor around level Mouse Speed up cursor movement [Shift] NOTE: Moving direction is calculated from angle between camera and cursor. If there is no X/Z angle or the angle is very small cursor wont move. If this happens just press and hold [Ctrl] and adjust the camera position with mouse. Objects (Adding objects to level) Choose "Select object category/object". Choose preferred category, for example "Vehicles". Create a preferred object, for example "Car_Chevy_Van", by pressing [Enter]. Editing objects Activate/Deactivate [Left mouse button] Move Mouse Rotate Y [Page Up] / [Page Down] Rotate X [Y] + [Page Up] / [Page Down] Rotate Z [X] + [Page Up] / [Page Down] Scale Up Numpad[*] Scale Down Numpad [/] Raise object Numpad [-] Lower object Numpad [+] Increase Melt Heigh "Edit nearest object" Numpad [1] Decrease Melt Heigh "Edit nearest object" Numpad [2] Insert new object (current active type)[Insert] Delete nearest object [Delete] Copy nearest object to copy buffer [Ctrl] + [c] Paste object from copy buffer [Ctrl] + [v] Creating a new fence Creates a new fence with default index pattern and 10 control points. "Select object category/object" [Enter] "[Util]" [Enter] "Fence" [Enter] Editing fence [Insert] Add a control point [Del] Delete a control point [Backspace] Delete fence mesh identifier Numpad [0-9] Define fence mesh Numpad [.] Fence mesh identifier seprerator Landscape Material-map Editing "Edit landscape" "Edit material map" Key table Toggle brush show mode F8 Change Brush [Cursor Left] / [Cursor Right] Change Brush Size [/] /[*] Change Paint mode [Cursor Up] / [Cursor Down] Change material Numpad [1] / [2] Adjust painting intensity [Page Up] / [Page Down] Height-map Editing "Edit landscape" "Edit height map" Key table Toggle brush show mode F8 Change Brush [Cursor Left] / [Cursor Right] Change Brush Size [/] /[*] Change Height-map editing mode [Cursor Up] / [Cursor Down] Adjust painting intensity [Page Up] / [Page Down] Others F6 - AI heuristic mode F8 - AI path record mode F4 does a frame grab (snapshot) during normal game play. NEW: When working with banners, i.e. checkpoint, you can change the appearance by 'editing' the object, banner in this case, by using the number pad '+' and '-' keys to switch between the different types of 'meshes'. NOTE: You can create your own with a little work. Original posted by fjguarino, archived: _____ The player configuration Here is a partial explination of the 'player' riding characteristics. The file is 'plgencnf.txt' and applies to all players in a race, including the computer (AI) players. player_init_speed : Speed at start on_air_height_limit : Height when stands up in air push_min_time : canting_damp_off_speed : updown_acceleration_limit : normal_friction_coeff : Friction when normal to surface air_fluid_friction_coeff : Air Friction when in control air_fluid_friction_coeff_fall : Air friction when falling board_canting_friction_coeff : Friction when turning (% of normal_friction_coeff) board_friction_coeff : Friction coefficient of board board_friction_scale board_dir_scale_air board_dir_scale updown_dir_scale halfpipe_board_canting_friction_coeff : Turning friction in HP halfpipe_board_friction_coeff : Normal friction in HP turning_factor : Turning speed foot_offset : Turning control (sensitivity to control input) squat_control_factor : % control when squating squat_speed_limit : Speed to start squating squat_fluid_friction_factor : % air friction when squating reference_speed reference_speed_factor halfpipe_reference_speed halfpipe_reference_speed_factor canting_damping_start_speed : Speed when damping starts canting_damping_end_speed : Speed when damping ends max_canting_damping : Damping in turn ice_normal_friction_factor : friction on ice (normal) (% of normal_friction_coeff) ice_fluid_friction_factor ice_dir_friction_factor : % friction on ice (turning) start_height : Height above suface at start landing_reacting_time : Reaction time when landing landing_prediction_offset landing_h_offset landing_h_scale landing_start_height : Height when landing control starts stance_change_speed_limit : Max speed to change stance stance_simple_ms stance_min_change_time : Min time to change stance tremor_max_amplitude : Max amout of foot/board tremor when on different terrain tremor_min_amplitude : Min amout of foot/board tremor when on different terrain tremor_relative_freq tremor_damp_start_speed tremor_damp_end_speed tremor_damp_start_acc tremor_damp_end_acc tremor_damp_rel_min_acc fall_end_speed : Player speed to end fall fall_impulse_limit : Fall impact limit (how hard can you hit before falling) fall_wait_time : Time to recover from fall fall_friction_factor_fluid fall_friction_factor_norm hjf_p_factor hjf_d_factor hjf_plane_pos_width hjf_plane_neg_width spin_scale : Spin speed flip_scale : Flip speed jump_init_magnitude_factor jump_max_load_time jump_move_time_len jump_move_up rock_fall_speed_limit : Speed over rocks to cause fall rock_fall_speed_factor start_push_speed_limit : Push-off speed limit start_push_impulse_speed : Push-off force tumble_impulse_limit : Object impact limit trick_break_ang_momentum_scale : Ang mom at end of trick