Supreme Snowboarding

Hall of Fame 1   free choice of route

2 3 4–8
Alpine Easy
Canyon Run
Epreuve du Canyon
1.12.58  Michael 1.16.00  SESH 1.23.93  Tito
1.24.41  Oleg M
1.29.77  Federico
1.32.07  Biebboek
1.33.15  Kalle
1.36.79  JV
Alpine Medium
Cliff Slalom
Slalom serré
1.19.17  SESH 1.21.24  Michael 1.24.85  Tito
1.25.13  Oleg M
1.25.67  Oli
1.28.75  Federico
1.37.72  JV
1.45.70  Sam
Alpine Hard
The Ice Cave
Caverne de glace
Die Eishöhle
1.03.50  Michael 1.05.26  SESH 1.12.40  Oleg M
1.15.75  Oli
1.22.38  Federico
1.27.22  JV
1.32.82  Sam
1.33.18  Biebboek
Forest Easy
Frozen Stream
Torrent gelé
Jäätynyt joki
Zugefrorener Fluss
1.02.06  SESH 1.03.60  Michael 1.08.92  Oleg M
1.10.71  Biebboek
1.11.31  akkico
1.12.10  Federico
1.15.04  Oli
1.16.43  Luis
Forest Medium
0.56.43  Michael 0.56.78  SESH 1.02.41  Oleg M
1.05.43  Hape
1.09.08  akkico
1.13.42  Vanish
1.15.04  Sam
1.33.70  Biebboek
Forest Hard
Alpine River
Rivière alpine
0.55.44  SESH 0.56.06  Michael 1.01.78  Oleg M
1.08.65  Hape
1.09.15  akkico
1.12.22  Oli
1.13.42  Vanish
1.24.60  Federico
Village Easy
Village Hills
Coteaux du village
Kylä kukkuloilla
Hügel beim Dorf
1.15.01  SESH 1.17.36  Michael 1.21.86  Kalle
1.22.55  Oleg M
1.23.15  Jupp
1.24.56  Tito
1.24.68  Oli
1.28.68  akkico
Village Medium
Street Dash
A travers les rues
Auf den Straßen
1.03.73  SESH 1.05.36  Michael 1.08.00  Jupp
1.08.14  Tito
1.09.29  Oleg M
1.19.25  Federico
1.20.92  Sam
1.22.40  JV
Village Hard
Sur les toits
Lumiset katot
0.56.71  SESH 0.57.58  Michael 1.00.37  Jupp
1.00.46  Oleg M
1.01.73  dudebub
1.02.37  Thomas J
1.02.42  Federico
1.03.43  akkico


The Hall of Fame lists the top 8 in the cw in the free choice of route mode on 3 February 2025.

Only races with default characters and boards, without any manipulation in the settings, without cheats, without fall/Esc/Return to track.

You can watch every race as demo race in the Demo version, with Demo Add-on and Demo Tracks installed.

The times in the Hall of Fame are the DirectX6 times. The ranking in the Hall of Fame depends on the total time, read here.

Send your best races for this Hall of Fame packed (rar, 7z or zip archive) with the high times data (in the game folder \Saved_Data) via email.

All downloads from this website are for your private use only and may not be shared/used anywhere else.

The CB group respects neither our rules since 2002, nor the admins, nor our community. Since 2016, the CB group is just absolute evil in absolutely everything. Our Hall of Fame will never again contain the members of the CB group and players in any collaboration with the CB group. Our Hall of Fame is for GOOD people who respect me, us, our work, our rules, our copyright. Devils and their followers stay outside.

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