Supreme Snowboarding

FAQ - Best Settings

To avoid conflicts, always install to the default installation folder c:\Games\Supreme\

Install in this order:
1.  Setup.exe from the original game CD
2.  Patch
3.  Add-on (version 1 November 2023)

Instead of 1.-3. you can install the "limited edition". Read the instructions there carefully.

The game usually runs smoothest with Render device OpenGL. If you don't find OpenGL in the Startup Options rename Supreme.exe to Supreme2.exe and start again. The second best option is DirectX6.

If the full version from the game CD crashes permanently, reinstall the Add-on.

If the "limited edition" crashes permanently, reinstall the "limited edition".

OpenGL displays about half of the race times incorrectly. The times in the Hall of Fame are the DirectX6 times.
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